BERBAGI TAKJIL DAN BUKA PUASA BERSAMA KOMISARIS, DIREKSI & KARYAWAN Dipertengahan bulan ramadhan 1445 H, Direksi dan karyawan mengadakan rangkaian kegiatan yaitu berbagi takjil
PT. Humpuss Trading becomes the foundation of Humpuss Group to be growth into the areas of energy trading activities. Our business scope encompasses three major areas: Petroleum, Petrochemical and General Trading Managed by professional team, supported by fully sophisticated infrastructure-facilities and most updated technology.
Business Scope Encompasses Three Major Areas :
PT Humpuss Trading supplies refined oil products mainly HSD and MFO to our resellers and directly to the end-users throughout Indonesia, supporting on commercial, industrial, bunkering and retail trading activities.
Humpuss Trading is a petrohemical Trading Company, which is oriented to customers and become partners of mutual benefit to the customer.
Managed by professional team, supported by fully sophisticated infrastructure-facilities and most updated technology.
The solution is the result of where we implement an active role as experts fully sophisticated infrastructure-facilities and most updated technology with the capability of human resources who are experts in their field. Committed by PT Humpuss Trading, which has always been a leader in Energy Products Trading Company
This is our dedication as a professional team with integrity.
BERBAGI TAKJIL DAN BUKA PUASA BERSAMA KOMISARIS, DIREKSI & KARYAWAN Dipertengahan bulan ramadhan 1445 H, Direksi dan karyawan mengadakan rangkaian kegiatan yaitu berbagi takjil
ONE TEAM OUTING TO BALI Direksi & Karyawan PT Humpuss Trading dalam rutinitas hariannya menyempatkan diri bersama untuk melakukan Outing kantor sebagai sebuah bentuk
PT HUMPUSS TRADING 30th ANNIVERSARY Usia perusahaan yang menembus tiga dekade merupakan perjalanan yang panjang dan patut mendapatkan apresiasi. Beberapa badai krisis yang menerpa
HUT RI ke-78 Peringatan HUT Ke-78 Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia ini menegaskan pentingnya memahami sejarah dan mempertahankan semangat persatuan dalam kebhinekaan. Dengan tekad “Terus Maju
PT Humpuss Trading Road to Lampung Kerjasama tim dalam sebuah perusahaan tentunya menjadi nadi dalam menyelesaikan setiap pekerjaan yang ada. Tak kenal maka tak sayang
Certainty in career paths for all employees really motivates employees to maximize their potential according to their skills. This will motivate all employees to advance Humpuss.